Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rock Lake Camp

Have you signed up yet?  
Consider going to one of these great camp experiences!

June 29: First Grade Camp
July 1-3:  2/3 Grade Camp
August 4-9:  3/4 Grade Camp

Check out for 
more exciting opportunities this summer.  

Mark Your Calendars!

June 23 after the 11 AM service.
Water. Games. Fun. Food. Water. More Water. Did we mention water??
Get ready to make a splash!

Are you getting excited?

Are you ready for this??

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

31 Ways to Pray for Your Children

Hello Parents, 
Several months ago I came across this list of things to pray for your child(ren) by Bob Hostetler, and I thought I would share it with you. There are some great things that I know I forget to pray for my own child, and this is laid out nicely as a calendar with a topic and verse for each day of the month.  You can use this as a resource for your self as you pray for your own family, or as a way to support the ministry of FCC Kids by praying these things for all of the children who are a part of our church family.  Enjoy!